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How to ease chemotherapy side effects with mistletoe

How to ease chemotherapy side effects with mistletoe

Chemotherapy is a difficult process for many people. However, thanks to mistletoe, there are ways that you can ease the side effects of chemotherapy treatment. Mistletoe is known to have anti-tumor properties and has been used in cancer therapy since ancient times. If you’re struggling with side effects like nausea, vomiting, depression or fatigue during chemotherapy treatments, try out mistletoe!

What is chemotherapy and how does it work

Chemotherapy is a type of cancer treatment that uses drugs to kill cancer cells. It can be used alone or in combination with other treatments, like radiation therapy or surgery. Chemotherapy works by stopping or slowing the growth of cancer cells. It can also help to shrink tumors.

There are many different types of chemotherapy drugs, and they work in different ways. Some drugs attack and kill cancer cells directly. Others stop the cells from dividing or growing. Some chemotherapy drugs are given orally, while others are given through a vein (IV).

Most people receive chemotherapy as an outpatient treatment. This means you go to the hospital or clinic for your treatments and then go home afterwards. Sometimes, though, you may need to stay in the hospital for your chemotherapy treatments.

How can mistletoe help with side effects of chemotherapy treatment

Chemotherapy can cause some really uncomfortable side effects, like nausea, vomiting, depression or fatigue. However, thanks to mistletoe, you can ease these symptoms of chemo! Mistletoe is known to have anti-tumor properties and has been used in cancer therapy since ancient times. In fact, mistletoe may help to reduce some of the side effects of chemotherapy !

In a recent study , scientists looked at people who were being treated for colon or pancreatic cancer with chemotherapy. They divided 121 patients into three groups: those who received infusions of pure mistletoe extract (Viscum album), those who received infusions of a drug called midazolam, and those who received no mistletoe or the drug. The people in the study continued their chemotherapy treatments as normal during this time.

What they found was that 82% of people who received both pure mistletoe extract and chemo showed improvement after 4 weeks of treatment. This compared to only 54% of people who received chemo and no mistletoe.

The researchers found that the improvement was partially due to the anti-nausea properties in mistletoe. Since chemotherapy can cause severe nausea, it’s important to find ways to ease this side effect.

Is mistletoe safe to use during chemotherapy treatments

Mistletoe is a safe herb to use during chemotherapy treatments. In fact, mistletoe may help to reduce some of the side effects of chemotherapy.

If you’re struggling with feelings of nausea or any other side effect, consider adding mistletoe treatments. Mistletoe extract comes in many different forms. See if your doctor is able to prescribe it for you. It may help you feel better and get through your treatments more easily.

4. Where can you find information about the safety or effectiveness of using mistletoe for chemo side effects relief, including dosage instructions and other precautions to take while taking this herb

You can find information about the safety or effectiveness of using mistletoe for chemo side effects relief by doing a quick online search. Be sure to only use reputable sources, like the National Cancer Institute or the American Cancer Society. You can also talk to your doctor about whether mistletoe is a good option for you.

Mistletoe comes in many different forms, so be sure to ask your doctor about the right dosage for you. Some people may need to take higher doses of mistletoe than others. As with any other herb or medication, it’s important to take caution when taking mistletoe and to always follow the dosage instructions provided by your doctor.

The benefits of using mistletoe for cancer therapy today (including its anti-tumor properties)

Mistletoe has been used in cancer therapy for centuries. Mistletoe is known to have anti-tumor properties and may help to reduce some of the side effects of chemotherapy. In a recent study, scientists found that 82% of people who received both pure mistletoe extract and chemo showed improvement after 4 weeks of treatment. This compared to only 54% of people who received chemo and no mistletoe.

Mistletoe also has anti-tumor properties, which may be one reason why it can help to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy.

Mistletoe is a safe herb to use during chemotherapy treatments, and it may help to reduce some of the side effects of chemo. If you’re struggling with feelings of nausea or any other side effect, consider adding mistletoe treatments. Mistletoe extract comes in many different forms. Talk to your doctor about whether mistletoe is a good option for you. As with any other herb or medication, it’s important to take caution when taking mistletoe and always follow the dosage instructions provided by your doctor.

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